Fun Facts
My parents were Venezuelan and Puerto Rican, I was raised in the Bronx and now live in upstate New York.
Where I'm From
Oprah Winfrey was part of the final decision to permanently put me in front of the camera, after I stood in for a dress rehearsal I was producing while at Oxygen Media .
Random Fact
Figuring Sh*t out... myself, people, solutions. Asking “why” consumes most of my time. But makes for a great Coach!
My Passion
Japan (Even learned to speak Japanese conversationally)
Favorite Place Traveled
Connecting and changing the course of someone's day or perspective. Seeing the absolute ‘truth’ in what someone is feeling and going through without judgement.
My SuperPower
I played professional women’s tackle football (#76 defensive end NY Sharks) and semi professional soccer all after the age of 40
You'd Never Guess
I Care About
I know how overwhelming it feels to launch, fund, and grow your business when you’re doing it all on your own.
I’m Monica, a business mindset coach that has helped hundreds of women entrepreneurs, successfully launch and grow their business, Learn how to gain access millions in funding, and double their revenue.
You can simplify your business launch in 3 simple steps: First, Download "The Launching BluePrint: Business Plan . Next, follow the steps to successfully grow your business. When you are ready, we can work together to get you the funding you need to take your company to the next level.
I believe everyone deserve a coach to guide them! If you don’t have access to the right tools and resources, you’ll continue to waste time and money without a clear plan or direction. There is a better way!

Monica completely changed the trajectory of my business. When we started I was doing the work of 10, struggling to stay afloat. She pinpointed my barriers, the biggest one being that I didn't value myself or my time. Monica's genuine, transparent no bullshit approach forced me to always have the answer to her questions which helped me truly learn and understand my business.
-Brandy Cooper, CEO/Founder Mint Design Agency, San Francisco, CA

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5 No Bullshit Principles
To Accelerate
Your Launch
If you’re serious about growing 5x year-over-year, then this e-Book is a must read.
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What I Offer

The Business Plan
The Launch BluePrint
This simple step-by-step blueprint walks you through how to create your Investor & Pitch ready business plan in a single weekend.

Rent My Brain
Coaching Options
Work with me and get a partner, ongoing support and access to my Team! We help you launch, fund, & grow you're business or Startup.

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